Just Moved House? DLVA Has Important and Urgent Advice for You

If you have recently moved house, the DVLA has issued some important advice about updating your details. Unfortunately, it is a job that often gets missed in the hustle and bustle of moving. However, it’s important that when you move, you update your address with the DVLA. If your move is a temporary one and you are still contactable at your permanent address, you do not have to make the change. But if you are permanently changing your address, the following information must be taken into consideration.

Key Documents

It’s important to remember that there is more than one change required for a driver. First, you need to change your driving license, and you also need to update the logbook for your car. Your insurance company should be made aware as a priority because rates can differ depending on postcode and overnight parking and storage for your vehicle. If you make a claim and your details are out of date, the insurance company has a legitimate right to refuse to pay. The rates can be different depending on whether you are parking on the street, private drive, or garage. They also consider the levels of crime in the area you are living in.

Make Changes Promptly

To save any hassle, the advice issued by the DVLA is to tell them promptly. Full or provisional driving licenses must be updated with your correct home address, as must your logbook (V5 C). If you are the registered owner of the vehicle. You should check with your bank to make sure there is no issue with the direct debit if you pay in this way for your vehicle tax, and it’s important to remember that if you have a personal numberplate, this two has paperwork that should be updated (Form V750 or V778). Finally, if you have a trailer registration certificate, this will also need to be updated with details of your new address.

The good news Is that most of this can be done online by visiting the following website.


When you follow this link, you will be greeted with a handy guide that shows you all the steps. It also confirms that if you are making a temporary move because you are living at university for part of the year, you do not need to change your address, provided you can still be contacted at the address shown on your license. The website also reassures drivers that they can continue to drive whilst awaiting revised documentation to be sent out. Simply follow each step through and use the link in the appropriate section to make the changes needed. Of course, if a step does not apply to you because you do not have a personalised number plate, for example, you can simply skip it. If you are a vehicle owner with a logbook in your name, then you should follow steps one, two and 3 to make sure all your details are correctly updated.


