Would You Pass Your Driving Test
If you’re like the 75% of drivers recently surveyed by the AA Driving School, the answer would be no! A large proportion of qualified drivers believe that they would fail a driving test if they were to retake it now due to a lack of knowledge of the Highway Code.
The study found that although 86% of drivers are confident that they could pass the practical test, only 58% are certain they could pass the theory test. Confidence in theory test success is significantly lower among women (50%) than men (62%), despite national statistics showing women have a slightly higher pass rate in the theory test (47.2% compared to 43.7%).
Of those surveyed, 75% believe poor Highway Code knowledge would be the primary reason for failing the theory test, while others cited road signs (21%), bad habits (28%) and rules of the road (20%) as their biggest challenges. Notably, confidence decreases with age: younger drivers are more assured about their Highway Code knowledge, while 78% of drivers over 65 believe this would be their downfall. When looking at this data, it’s important that some qualified drivers will have never taken a theory test, as this was only introduced in 1996.
When considering the practical test, 56% of respondents said accumulated bad habits would likely cause them to fail. Over a third admitted that nerves would pose a significant obstacle, and a quarter pointed to difficulties with reversing manoeuvres. Other challenges cited include difficulty following Sat Nav directions, speeding and inadequate use of mirrors or observations at junctions.
The top reasons for failing a practical test in 2023 were:
1. Ineffective observations at junctions
2. Incorrect use of mirrors
3. Unsafe movement when setting off
4. Poor positioning when turning right at junctions
5. Misjudgement at traffic lights
6. Loss of steering control
7. Incorrect response to traffic signs
8. Misinterpretation of road markings
9. Inadequate road positioning
10. Driving at an unsafe speed
Camilla Benitz, Managing Director of AA Driving School, said: “Knowledge of the highway code is fundamental to driving, and with so many people believing their knowledge isn’t up to date is really concerning, not just for their ability to pass a theory test but also for them being safe on the roads now.
“We know that after people pass their test they tend to slip into bad habits, however, it’s alarming that over half of those who responded thought their bad habits would cause them to fail a test now.”
“There are times when a qualified driver might have to retake their test such as returning to driving after a disqualification, and for so many to believe they have slipped into enough bad habits to prevent a pass is worrying. Even qualified drivers should consider brushing up their current skills by reading the new highway code or using the AA theory test app.